Sure, everyone knows that airfare deals are out there, but when you're talking about a super sale, you have to be armed with your credit card in-hand and pounce without thinking twice. That was the case yesterday.
TravelZoo sent out an email late in the day with an unadvertised sale on Delta to select cities in Europe from the west coast. Always the skeptic, I hopped on the Vayama website to see if this fairy tale was the real deal. If you call $329 including taxes from Orange County to Madrid in October the real deal, then fairy tales can and do come true.
Moral of the story: if you're armed and ready to travel, don't dismiss advertisements about these kinds of deals; jump on them. You probably won't be able to clear it with your boss ahead of time, or even get your travel companion on the phone. But for this price, pulling the trigger means seeing the world on a dime.