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Monday, March 31, 2008


I'm pretty sure that's the noise I made while standing in the "cookbook" section of Barnes and Noble yesterday. I was looking for a gift for a friend's wedding shower when I decided to do some due diligence for my own cookbook.

With my head tilted at a 90-degree angle to the right, I looked through all of the available titles. And that's when I let out an immeasurable glug. Right plain eye-level, nontheless: Around the World in 80 Dinners: The Ultimate Culinary Adventure.

I felt like a masked man had ripped my purse from my shoulder and ran away; like someone jumped in my car as I stood there and watched them speed off. Highway robbery at its finest. And all I could do was look on in horror, hoping nobody mistook my jaw hanging open in shock as hunger from the genre I was perusing.

Alas, the Jamison's beat me to the punch on my cookbook idea, and also aptly titled it with just a one-word differential from Around the World in 80 Meals. I'm not giving up though. Their scope was focused more on Asian countries, South America, and South Africa, none of which I've visited to-date.

So I think I'll push on with Around the World in 80 Meals and hope I can sharpen my angle to reach a more youthful audience. But I guess I have my answer as to whether or not there is any similar competition.